Does quarentine have you feeling down? Looking for something new to do from the convenience of your own apartment? Here's a list with a few activities to help you "site see" fom the comfort of your own home!
1. Many musuems, historical homes, and gardens are offering virtual tours
The Louvre, The Van Gogh Museum, The British Musuem, and The Metropolitan Museum of Art are just a few Museum's you can view online
Walk through Buckingham Palace, Monticello, and The Breakers, among many other homes
2. Take a tour of a National Park
Visit Hawai'i Volcanoes National Park and Carlsbad Caverns National Park are just a few parks available online
3. Visit one of the Disney Parks by riding the rides virtually and by recreating one of their famous treats, like Dole Whip
4. Visit a zoo and live stream different animal exhibits
Tour the Melbourne Zoo, International Wolf Center, and the Tembe Elephant Park, among many others