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A PERFECT Winter Day For Soup!

Image for A PERFECT Winter Day For Soup!

Ah, winter. The season of cozy blankets, fuzzy socks an frosty windows.

But let's be honest, winter can be downright brutal! Especially with the next couple of days being 7-18 degrees... burrrr!

There is one surefire way to keep not only your body warm but also your soul- a steaming bowl of homemade soup!

Whether you're snowed in or just need a pick me up, here are a few soups that'll definitely warm you up!

  1. Chicken Noodle- CLASSIC go to for many and is also great for boosting your immune system
  2. Creamy Tomato Basil- Perfect to pair will a grilled cheese
  3. Loaded Baked Potato- Hearty and filling
  4. Spicy Tortilla- Need a little kick? This is the answer!
  5. Butternut Squash- Sweet and savory and a great option for vegeterians and vegans

Soup is a great remedy for winter blues. Which soup will you be making or trying this season?

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